Self Reliance

Begins with Faith in Jesus Christ

One characteristic of a Zion Society is there will be no poor among them. The self-reliance program is a wonderful tool to help us on the path to build a Zion Society. Self-reliance is the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family. As each of us individually becomes more self-reliant, we are also better able to serve others.

In our efforts to be self-reliant, it makes sense to get the help we need from friends, from our personal network, and especially from our Heavenly Father. When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we are not weighed down with personal doubt.

As we put our trust in the Savior and His atoning sacrifice, He will quicken our minds through the Holy Ghost so that we can learn the things that are necessary for us to improve ourselves.

Information on three aspects of self-reliance is provided in this web site: