Stake Presidency Message
Christ Teaching His Disciples, Justin Kunz
Each year, a theme is chosen to help encourage, inspire and unite the youth around the world who are striving to follow Jesus Christ. The annual theme is typically a motto or a phrase based on a scriptural passage and is used at For Strength of Youth conferences and youth camps throughout the world. New songs, artwork and other materials help youth and their leaders to incorporate the theme into their activities, church meetings and personal lives.
The 2025 theme is based on the scripture, “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36). This will also serve as the 2025 theme for the Columbus Ohio Stake.
When I first heard the theme, I was surprised at how simple yet profound this invitation actually was. It seemed so simple and obvious to “look unto Christ” but to do that with ALL your thoughts and especially to do that during times of trial or fear, that is the difficult part.
When times are good and trials are few, I personally find it easier to stay close to the spirit and to love and serve those around me with greater ease. In times of stress, heartache, or disappointment, looking and trusting Christ can be more difficult since we know “[His] thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord (Isaiah 55:8).
My wife has helped me learn this important lesson over our 20 years of marriage. How many times have each of us listened to our spouse explain a problem they are currently dealing with and immediately jumped in and excitedly rehearsed to them all the steps they need to do so they can “fix” their problem instead of just listening. I have learned (the slow way) that my wife often already knows what to do and is simply looking to me for validation, comfort, empathy, and support. Jesus Christ is there for us to listen, comfort, and support us during our times of doubt, fear, or trial. He will help us if we turn to Him in these times and “lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Growing up in Columbus as a youth in the 90’s, I was one of only a small handful of members of the Church in my middle and high school. I was forced from a young age to choose the way I would act towards others and the decisions that I would make that reflected the standards I believed in. It was difficult at times to go against the common actions and behaviors of my peers. I often felt different from them and it seemed like life would have been much easier had I simply ”gone with the flow” of a typical teenager. As I continued (best I could) to adhere to the standards taught to me by my parents and church leaders, and as I looked unto Christ, my strength and confidence grew and I felt secure with my sense of self worth. As I matured with each passing year, I felt comfortable with who I was and what I believed in. I was surprised that along the way, my friends and acquaintances had noticed these differences and were supportive of my choices and decisions.
Like many of you, I enjoy watching college football, especially our Ohio State Buckeyes. I have been very impressed over the last couple seasons how much each of the players talk about Jesus Christ. Without fail, in every pre or post game interview the majority of the players first acknowledge their gratitude to God and Jesus Christ before commenting on their own individual or team efforts. Win or lose, they are using their platform as star athletes to express their love of Jesus Christ for others to see. They are confident and comfortable expressing their faith in Jesus Christ and doubting not or fearing not what others think about their beliefs.
President Nelson taught us “When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening — or not happening — in our lives.”
Brother and Sisters, do not hold back on expressing your love of Jesus Christ to others. I encourage you to let others know what He means to you through your words, thoughts, and actions. Do not doubt or fear the world, do not doubt or fear what the future might bring. Through Jesus Christ all things are possible if we look unto Him.
Tyler M. Angelos
Columbus Ohio Stake Young Men President