Come Follow Me

The Savior's invitation to all

Meet our Stake Leaders

Richard R. Hoyt

Stake President

I was born and raised in southeast Wisconsin to a wonderful family. I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin Parkside, which is where I met my wife. After graduating we were married and now have four wonderful children. My courting and marriage to my wife introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Together we have found joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ and more importantly peace during the many hardships.  Being a husband and a father is my greatest calling in life and is the greatest responsibility I have. I am humbled to serve in this church leadership position and express my deepest appreciation for the role of Jesus Christ in my life.

Lane J. Wallace

Counselor, Stake Presidency

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. I attended the University of Utah, where I obtained a BA degree in chemistry and a Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology. While in graduate school, I met and then married Rhonda Wixom. We now have 5 adult children and 17 grandchildren. After finishing my education, we lived in St. Louis for 2 years and then moved to Columbus, where I worked as a professor of pharmacology at The Ohio State University for 40 years. Rhonda and I love living in Columbus. I am now retired. I am a science nerd. I love learning more about neurobiology, small particle physics, astrophysics, and population genetics throughout history. I play the piano and keep physically fit. I like to think of the Jesus who leads me and all others who will heed his call to enter into and help build the Kingdom of God. We live in the dispensations of the fullness of times in which all things are to be revealed as the kingdom of holy people grows. We can all be part of this growth, and it is a wonderful time to be involved with it.

Richard A. Henricksen

Counselor, Stake Presidency

Soy Richard Henricksen, segundo consejero de la presidencia de estaca. Nací en Orem, Utah. Hice la misión en España. Más tarde obtuve una licenciatura y una maestría en estudios hispanos en la Universidad Brigham Young antes de venir a la Universidad Estatal de Ohio para obtener un doctorado en la literatura y la cultura española. Actualmente, trabajo como consultor de eLearning en Ohio State mientras doy cursos de español como profesor. Kelli y yo nos conocimos en BYU y llevamos casados unos 15 años. Tenemos tres hijas activas involucradas en orquesta, piano, atletismo, cross, fútbol, gimnasia, escribir libros, jugar videojuegos y cualquier otra actividad divertida que puedan encontrar. Al sumergirme en diferentes culturas y ver el crecimiento de los talentos de mi propia familia, he llegado a apreciar los dones especiales que nuestros Padres Celestiales nos han dado a cada uno de nosotros. Nuestros dones espirituales únicos pueden ayudarnos y a quienes nos rodean a sentir el amor de nuestros Padres Celestiales y ayudarnos a mejorar nuestras relaciones entre nosotros. Cada don es necesario dentro de nuestra Estaca para tener la plenitud del amor que Dios tiene para nosotros. 

Darey Navarro

Stake Primary President

I am Darey Navarro. I was born and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela. At the age of 17, I moved to Columbus, Ohio. Not long after, I met my eternal companion, Juan. We have four wonderful children who always keep me on my toes. I studied Business Management at Columbus State, and then continued my education at Franklin University where I earned my bachelor’s in human resources. I love spending time with my family, especially hunting and anything outdoors. I am blessed in many ways. I will always be grateful for the people who have come into my life. I have learned and will continue to learn so much from each and every one of them. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and for the Savior and the opportunity to serve in His church.

Soy Darey Navarro. Nací y crecí en Maracaibo, Venezuela. A los 17 años me mude a Columbus, Ohio. No mucho tiempo después conocí a mi compañero eterno, Juan. Tenemos dos hijas y dos hijos maravillosos que siempre me mantienen alerta. Estudié administración de empresas en Columbus State y luego continue mi educación en la Universidad de Franklin donde obtuve mi licenciatura en recursos humanos. Yo amo pasar tiempo con mi familia, especialmente cazando y haciendo cosas afuera. Me siento bendecida de muchas formas. Siempre estaré agradecida por la gente que ha pasado por mi vida. He aprendido y sigo aprendiendo tanto de cada uno de ellos. Estoy agradecida por el evangelio en mi vida, por el Salvador, y por la oportunidad de servir en Su iglesia.

Kelly C. Ortman

Stake Young Women President

I was born and raised here in Columbus, Ohio. My family was Catholic but we stopped attending church when I was 5, and the only religion I really knew was what I learned attending bible school or sunday school with friends from various faiths. When I was a Freshman at The Ohio State University, I met my best friend, who is a Southern Baptist. Religion was very important to her and so I began meeting with friends of her faith and attending Sunday worship services with her. I knew her faith didn’t have all that I was looking for. The following summer, I met my future husband, who before leaving to serve a mission, baptized me a few months after starting to date. I have been an active member for 30 years. I have served in many leadership callings, so I am excited to be with the amazing young women and leaders of our stake. We have 4 children plus a daughter-in-law, and soon will have a son-in-law as well. I am currently working as a Funeral Director Apprentice. I enjoy time at the gym, vacations in the gulf of Mexico, photography, and all things peanut butter. I love my family, my friends and my faith. My testimony has been built over years of learning how the Lord speaks to me and how incredibly perfect He knows me.

Tyler Angelos

Stake Young Men President

I moved to Ohio when I was just two years old. I grew up in Upper Arlington in the Riverside ward. I attended BYU and during my time there had the opportunity to serve in the Honduras Comayaguela Mission. 

Upon completion of my mission I returned to BYU where I met my wife, Deborah, and we were married prior to returning to Ohio for medical school. After medical school I completed a surgical residency at The Ohio State University and now work in private practice as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. 

We have four children who are involved in every imaginable sport! I love working with the youth and watching them grow and develop. I am constantly amazed at just how talented and accomplished the youth are and I continue to learn so much from them. I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven and to know I am truly a child of God.

Douglas Boyd

Stake High Councilor

My experience begins with the US NAVY. I was trained first as a Navy Hospital Corpsman. Transferred to the Marines Field Medical Force. I did a tour of duty in the Republic of Vietnam. While still in the service I was allowed to attend one of the US Navy’s special Military’s “C” schools and trained as a Cardio-Pulmonary Technician. My special training allowed me to be on the ground floor of introducing this special service to many civilian hospitals. (Riverside, St. Anthony, Grant, and OSU.) To name a few.

I attended Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey while being the Technical Director of Pulmonary and Cardiac Services at “Our Lady of Lourdes” medical center. I received an associate professor’s position, to teach OSU’s Medical students in Cardio-Pulmonary technics and laboratory procedures. After this, I attended The Ohio State University and received an Associate’s Degree in Allied Medicine.

I have been married to my high school sweetheart Darlene, for over 50 years now. The Lord has blessed us with three sons. Eight granddaughters, four grandsons, and 12 great-grandchildren. We have at one time or another lived in seven states. Being home in Columbus, Ohio is a great joy, and also to be in this Stake.

Mark Harrington

Stake Sunday School President

Stake High Councilor

I was born and raised in the Western New York State.  I am the oldest of 4 siblings.  Grew up in a Church Branch environment to where my parents held most of the callings in rotation, as I was in a rural area.  At 18 years old,  moved to Columbus Ohio to attend the DeVry Institute of Technology. ( Now University. ) During that time I was directed to and met the woman that would become Sister Harrington. These events happened through Church Institute family home evenings. Followed by dating, family dinners, and proceeding activities until the day we were sealed in the Washington DC Temple.  We have a family of 5 children, all nearly adult in age.   One is married, the rest working hard, and finishing school.

I have worked in the technical field most of my life, as technical hardware support.  But changed direction in the last few years.  I am now in the Labor Union world, with a side hustle as a Zumba Instructor, and my latest journey into the world of being a VoiceOver Actor/Talent.  Some fun things to do along the way is play golf, disc golf, pickle ball, and attend the temple with Sister Harrington.  I have learned as of late, the ultimate goal of success of this world is to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  when it is my turn to return to the Savior.