Columbus Ohio Stake
Congregation Boundary Realignment
After much prayer, fasting, and deliberation the Stake Presidency has realigned the boundaries for the Columbus Ohio Stake and for congregations within the stake. These changes were approved by the First Presidency and are now in effect.
Brief Summary of the changes:
Realign the boundaries of the following congregations:
Hilliard Ward, Marble Cliff Ward, Riverside Ward, Scioto Ward, Westland Ward and Madison Lake Branch
Columbus Ohio Stake boundaries have changed along parts of the northern boundary (along with the Columbus Ohio North Stake) and the parts of the southern boundary (along with the Columbus Ohio South Stake)
Change the following branch names within the Columbus Ohio Stake:
Franklin 1st to Grandview (serving members who speak Spanish)
Madison Lake to London
Creation of a new branch within the Columbus Ohio Stake:
Trabue Branch (serving members who speak French)
Congregation Maps - How does this impact my friends and me?
Click the link below to view the interactive map detailing the new stake and congregation boundaries.
Click the links below to view maps detailing the changes from the perspective of each affected congregation.
Greenfield Branch - boundaries remain unchanged
Note: The following units encompass the entirety of the Columbus Ohio Stake boundary:
Columbus YSA 2nd Ward
Grandview Branch (serving members who speak Spanish)
Trabue Branch (serving members who speak French)
Invitations from the Stake Presidency
We invite you during this time and as always, “Think Celestial”. The Plan of Salvation is in full force to get us back to heaven.
We invite you to be welcoming. Next week may be your first week in a new ward, and it may be the first week for many others. Hit the reset button and welcome everyone.
We invite you to ponder the words of President Russell M Nelson when he taught that: “Through a lifetime of service in this Church, I have learned that it really doesn’t matter where one serves. What the Lord cares about is how one serves.”
We invite you to lift where you stand. You can have a profound influence on those around you. The Spirit can help you understand how to minister in your new ward.
We invite you to understand that this will not be the last time ward and stake boundaries are adjusted. The North America Northeast Area is seeing growth of one Stake per year. The Columbus and Cleveland areas have an increase of a ward per year. Ongoing adjustments should be expected.
We invite you to continue to foster the relationships you currently have and build new ones as well!
Haiti, Port-au-Prince Temple
Bienvenue à la Branch de Trabue!
La première réunion de la Branche de Trabue aura lieu le dimanche 2 mars à 11h30 et aura lieu au Gateway Meetinghouse (à côté du temple Columbus Ohio).
Nous avons hâte de vous y voir!
Welcome to the Trabue Branch!
The first meeting of the Trabue Branch will be held on Sunday, March 2nd at 11:30 AM, and will be held at the Gateway Meetinghouse (next to the Columbus Ohio Temple).
We look forward to seeing you there!
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are the congregation boundaries changing?
As demographics have shifted over the past many years, there is a need to adjust boundaries to better serve the members in our area and help them draw closer to Christ.
Who made the decision to change the boundaries?
After thoughtfully and prayerfully seeking to know the Lord’s will, a recommendation was made by the stake presidency and approved by the First Presidency.
When will the new boundaries take effect?
All changes will be made in the system in the afternoon of Sunday February 16.
How will I know which ward I now belong to?
A summary of the changes along with a map of boundary adjustments has been included on this page above. You can use this map to search an address to learn more.
When will the Member Tools app be updated?
We expect changes to occur and be updated within the system by the 22nd of February.
Where and when do the congregations meet?
Columbus YSA 2nd Ward
Bishop Ed Hammond
Building: 79 East 12th Avenue, Columbus
Meeting time: 10:00 am
Grandview Branch (Spanish)
President Fabrizio Alegre
Building: 2400 Red Rock Boulevard, Grove City
Meeting time: 11:10 am (Sacrament at 12:10)
Greenfield Branch
President Andrew Arlanian
Building: 1281 State Route 28 East, Greenfield
Meeting time: 10:00 am
Hilliard Ward
Bishop Daniel Ballstaedt
Building: 1001 Doherty Rd. Galloway
Meeting time: 11:00 am
London Branch
President John LePard
Building: 1070 Sheffield Blvd, London
Meeting time: 10:00 am
Marble Cliff Ward
Bishop Kevin White (new)
Building: 3880 Gateway Boulevard, Columbus
Meeting time: 11:30 am
Riverside Ward
Bishop Dean Naillon
Building: 3880 Gateway Boulevard, Columbus
Meeting time: 9:00 am
Scioto Ward
Bishop John Charter
Building: 2400 Red Rock Boulevard, Grove City
Meeting time: 10:00 am
Trabue Branch– French (New)
President: TBA
Building: 3880 Gateway Boulevard, Columbus
Meeting time: March 2nd, 11:30am (Relief Society Room)
Westland Ward
Bishop Brandon Minster
Building: 1001 Doherty Road, Galloway
Meeting time: 9:00 am
Who will be the bishop of my congregation? What about other leadership roles?
Bishops and Branch Presidents are listed above along with meeting times.
Many organization presidencies and other callings have been impacted by the changes. Bishoprics / Presidencies are working hard to make necessary adjustments to Young Women, Primary, Relief Society, Sunday School, and Elders Quorums. These presidencies will be in place as soon as possible.
We thank you for your patience and grace as leadership within the different units settle.
What happens to my current calling if I am assigned to a new ward?
For those changing wards, you are released from your calling effective on Sunday, February 16.
For those in leadership or youth related callings, please continue completing with planned activities or events. Patience will also be needed for the passing off resources (keys, manuals, access to electronic documents, etc.).
For all those released because of these changes, thank you for all your service, time and dedication that you have given to your callings and to the people you served.
How will this impact youth programs?
We hope wards and branches will make it a priority to organize youth and primary as soon as possible in order to meet the needs of the youth/children. Where significant preparation may have gone into preparing for an event or activity over the next few months, we want to respect that effort. We also hope consideration for how to include the youth joining your ward together will be made.
If it makes sense to combine with other units (especially over the next month or two until things settle) please do so.
How will this impact Seminary?
Seminary will not be impacted by these boundary changes, at least through the remainder of this academic school year. Seminary teachers will remain in their callings and youth should continue to attend where they have been attending, unless it makes sense for the youth to attend a new class that will help them integrate better into the new ward. Please discuss this with your bishop.
How will this impact Primary activities and classes?
We recognize that great effort was done to setup and maintain classes for the year. We anticipate that the boundary changes will have a large impact not only on how many children are in the units, but also on who is called to serve as a primary teacher. We ask wards to make every effort to find enough instructors for primary classes starting the first week. This may mean pulling from EQ/Sunday School/RS for the first few weeks. We thank you for ensuring that the primary children continue learning the gospel.
We also remind you of the two-deep adults requirement for all children/youth classes.
How does this impact ministering assignments?
It’s likely that many of your ministering assignments are no longer officially assigned. However, we encourage you to continue ministering as needs arise. Continue reaching out to each other during the transition to support each other and to maintain your relationships with each other.
EQ and RS presidents will begin reorganizing official ministering assignments and will extend those to you as they become available.
Our unit has an upcoming activity planned. Should we still hold that activity?
In some wards, Elders Quorum and Relief Society presidencies have been dissolved because of the changes. In cases where the presidencies remain, much effort will be needed to fully integrate everyone into the organization. Grace and patience will be needed until things settle.
Where significant preparation may have gone into preparing for some activity or event, we want to respect that effort. We also hope consideration for how to bring the youth together will be made.
What does this mean for Sunday School?
It’s possible that Sunday School presidencies and/or instructors have been released as part of this change. If remaining, Sunday school presidents or teachers will ensure that Sunday school for both adults and youth are covered. Please also continue reading Come Follow Me material and bring what you have learned with you to Sunday School.
Will this impact whether it is a Sunday School or Priesthood/Relief Society Sunday?
No. Please continue to proceed with Sunday School on the first and third Sunday of the month and Priesthood/Relief Society on the second and fourth Sundays.
What should I do if I have concerns about the changes?
We are here to support you through the transition. Please reach out to your Bishop. You can also schedule a time to meet with a member of the stake presidency by setting an appointment on the stake website here or by contacting Reed Robinson.
We welcome feedback.
How can I help make the transition easier for everyone?
“Think celestial”. Be patient and supportive. Seek your own personal testimony from the Lord about the inspiration behind these changes.
I have been working with my bishop or a leader in the ward with something that has not yet been completed. This may be related to worthiness, a temple recommend, or other endeavor. What should I do?
Please plan to begin working with your new bishop or branch president on that process. You may invite the new bishop or president to reach out to the former bishop or president if desired. There will be a handoff between leaders throughout this process to be as effective as possible at not dropping the ball.
I have a calling that has key access to a building or closet at a building we no longer will meet at, who do I give them to?
Please coordinate with your new bishopric on these. They will collect these keys and give them to the Stake Physical Facilities Representative.